Editorial Independence

AIJR publisher & editors always work together for the success of the journal/publication with their own duties and responsibilities without affecting integrity as mentioned in the publication ethics policies. We are committed to ensuring that the potential interest for commercial revenue has no impact or influence on editorial decisions in the peer-review procedure. AIJR follows COPE, ICMJE & WAME recommendation of editorial freedom to put the editor in a position of full authority over the entire publication without any interference from the journal owners/publisher in the evaluation & selection of individual articles through the peer-review process. Editors should base editorial decisions on the validity of the work and its importance to the journal’s readers, not on the commercial implications for the journal/publisher.

The following statement reflects AIJR’s core value of intellectual freedom and independent editorial decisions. The statement is based on the COPE’s core practice which we follow.

Journal Owners and Editorial Freedom

  • We believe strongly in ensuring that we keep the editorial decision-making processes of our publications completely separate from our commercial interests.
  • Editorial decisions should be based on input from peer-reviewers as well as on the validity & quality of the work and its importance to readers. Editor should not take any decision based on the policies or commercial success of the owner/publisher.
  • All editorial decisions, or concerns or complaints about editorial decisions, are dealt with strictly within the editorial structures of a publication. These structures typically include editors, editorial boards or review boards of the publication.
  • It further requires that no one on the commercial side of the business can get involved in, interfere with, or even comment on editorial decisions under any circumstances.
  • The publisher will ensure to establish an independent editorial advisory board to help the editor and maintain the editorial policy.
  • If the problem seems legal in nature, the editor should inform the publisher as soon as possible. Editors should defend the confidentiality of authors and peer-reviewers (names and reviewer comments) in accordance with the peer-review process.
  • Editors should take all reasonable steps to check the facts in journal commentary, including that in news sections and social media postings, and should ensure that staff working for the journal adhere to best journalistic practices.
  • To secure editorial freedom in practice, the editor should have direct access to the highest level of ownership.
  • Editors and editors’ organizations should always support the concept of editorial freedom.


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