Material Journal

Journal of Modern Materials is a refereed material journal by AIJR to publish materials research papers in all disciplines. JMM follows double blind peer review process and aims to publish all aspect of materials research from global authors. Journal of modern materials is an international journal offering open access with free publication.

Journal homepage: Click here
Author Guideline: Click here
Aims and Scope: Click here
Online Submission: Click here
Reviewing Time and Rapid Review Option: Click here

Free Publication: Journal of Modern Materials publishing articles free without any kind of fee under normal publication modal which take approx 4-6 weeks to complete first round review.
Rapid Review: JMM offers optional rapid review with payment of APC (If accepted) which enable quick first decision availability to authors approximately 10 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken within 7 days.
Open Access: Free for readers with free publication for authors or their institutions, which means its free to publish and free to read material journal.
High visibility: Open access enables high visibility due to free access which ultimately will result in high citation.
Recognition of Reviewers: Reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review report get recognized through official Publons reviewer’s recognition platform.
Writing Journal Article: Author is suggested to watch Youtube Playlist “Resources for the Authors” which might be helpful in manuscript writing.

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