Publish in Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials

Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials (JMSM) aims to publish new research work that advances the understanding and prediction of material behavior through modeling and simulation. Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials provides a forum for publishing articles which advances the understanding of the relationship between the structure, the properties or the functions of all kinds of materials using modeling and simulation.

Submission of Research Articles related to all aspects of modeling and simulation in Materials are open in the “Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials“.

Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials focuses in all aspects of materials modeling and simulation including –
  • Simulation of the manufacturing process to predict residual stress/distortion, surface topology, and microstructure including defects
  • Modeling of materials considering effects of microstructure
  • Modeling of bio-inspired composites and bi-material joints
  • Process maps for minimizing defects and residual stress in as-built structures.
  • Simulation of the manufacturing process for smart materials, sensors, and nano-devices
  • Computational modeling and simulation for laser sintering/melting, electron beam melting, form deposition modeling, stereolithography, binder jetting, metals, plastics, ceramics and their composites as well as biological materials
  • Quantum chemical methods
  • Density functional theory
  • Semi-empirical and classical approaches
  • Statistical mechanics
  • Atomic-scale simulations
  • mesoscale modeling
  • phase-field techniques

Why publish in the Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials?

  • Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials is an open access journal which means that your paper will be available to anyone in the world to download for free directly from Journal’s website.
  • In spite of open access, JMSM offers free publication without any kind of publishing charge.
  • Your paper will not get rejected due to lack of space. Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials is an online journal and hence no limits on the number or size of the papers that we can publish.
  • Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials is a rapid publishing journal. Generally, peer-review will be completed within 2-weeks and the editor’s decision within 3 days of this. It is therefore very rare to have to wait more than 3 weeks for the first-round decision.
  • All articles will get assigned unique doi which is used for identifying the intellectual property in the digital environment and it enables persistent citations of scholarly articles.
  • All articles of JMSM will be published with CrossMark logo which notifies readers of changes to content (If Any) in a consistent way.

Types of Papers

Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials” accepts following 4 types of articles-

Submission of Manuscript

It is strongly recommended that new manuscripts be submitted to the Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials online. If online submission is not possible, the author can submit the manuscript by email at . Authors must submit only Word file of their manuscript. All submission should be accompanied by a covering letter using the template available on JMSM journal’s homepage.
Please see Guidelines for Authors for detailed instructions on preparation and submission of manuscripts.

Important Links

All you need to know about  Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials:
Guide for Author:
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Important dates

Paper Submission – Open
Author Notification – Immediately after decision taken
Issue Publication – Half Yearly


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